8 Farmstand Accessories To Grow Healthy Foods at Home

8 Farmstand Accessories To Grow Healthy Foods at Home

Farmstand makes it possible to grow leafy vegetables at home. It's a hydroponic system that is designed for both beginners and experienced plant enthusiasts. If you have limited garden space and less time to maintain a garden, Farmstand is the best way to still grow healthy foods at home. Here are 8 accessories to level up your Farmstand.

1. Liquid pH Down

It's difficult to maintain the ph level of water, but it will be easy with this product. It will help you lower the pH level of your plants' water, so they grow healthy and abundant. This contains phosphoric acid to help stabilize the pH of water.

2. Powder pH Down

To be able to grow healthy plants, you'll need healthy water and this means water with a stable pH level. This powder will help you do that. This contains citric acid and magnesium sulfate.

3. pH Test Kit

This is a test kit to know the level of pH of your plants' water. This will help you determine whether the water is still healthy or not for your plants. This is easy to use and beginner friendly.

4. Original Grow Cups

These grow cups will help you expand your garden space. If you want to plant more seedlings, you can start by using these cups. This is custom designed for easy replacing, replanting, harvesting, and trimming.

5. Plant ID Grow Cups

This is custom designed for easy harvesting and trimming. You can hang these ID labels so you can easily recognize your plants. This way, when you need to find a certain plant you can easily identify them among your other plants.

6. Nutrient A

Plants need nutrients too! This is to ensure that your plants receive the nutrients it needs to grow healthy and produce abundant. This includes nitrogen, magnesium, iron, phosphate, potash, and other minerals.

7. Water Resistant Floor Mat

This will help ensure that your floor stays dry because a hydroponic system can get wet due to too much water it contains. This traps any liquid that's dripping from your Farmstand.

8. Dolly

This is a stand for your Farmstand. This will help you move your Farmstand with ease. With this, you can move your Farmstand anywhere and anytime you want all by yourself.